Saturday, March 24, 2012

A day of sunshine..and a day of rain..

Today started off really nice.Its actually spring break for us (The kids are out this next week).. and My patience is already wearing thin. My middle child, (oldest daughter) had to go to a Princess Lunch that our church puts on, and it was really neat.While she was there I took the other two to play at Chick Fil-A.
I am SO glad I had my Spark to drink this morning, or else Im not even sure I would have made it this far today.
IT started raining shortly after we got home, no I will probably not be able to get in a walk/run today. Technically, I'm only supposed to be running three days a week but I am enjoying it so much that I would love to do it more.I am trying to walk on the days in between or at least go up and down my stairs several times.

The running is getting much easier. When I first saw that I was going to have to run for three minutes, I thought it was a LOT.. Then I saw I had to run for five minutes, and I was excited when I had a three minute break in between the five minute runs.  Now I'm suppose to start for 8 minutes, and I know when the 3 minute break comes in, I'll be glad.  I am really enjoying it.Again,I am not a runner..The time to myself is HUGE..To listen to my choice of music for 30 minutes or 33 minutes, however long  I am out for.. I love it.

I am not really loosing any weight, persay But I do feel like I am toning up quite a bit. My sides feel tigher, and I am LOVING seeing my calf muscles again.. Its neat!!!

I think by the time this summer rolls around and My husband and I, and our three kids are standing on the beach, and saying our vows to each other (10 year anniversary/vow renewal), I could very likely be in the BEST shape of my life!!!!:-)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Wow.. Really! :-)

Okay, So last week, I found out that I was going to get a chance to test and review a new Motorola MOTOACTV.  .>Say what? You gotta be kidding me.. REALLY?
If you haven't heard of this amazing device, then WHERE have you been????
Actually, I'm just kidding, up until the day I received that email, I had no idea what it was, let alone heard about it.  Turns out, they needed some people to review these awesome little devices and I was lucky enough to be one of them.
The MOTOACTV is the "World’s First fitness tracker, smart mp3 player, all in one",   you really have to check this little thing out.  
Anyway, I wasn’t for sure 100% if I would even GET this, because with all the scams out there, I couldn't believe it at first that they would be sending these out to people. But amazingly when the FedEx driver pulled up, THIS was delivered!!!

Can I just say this little wrist watch is the most amazing thing! It has a GPS, Fitness Tracker, Mp3 player, FM radio, you can actually sync it to your phone and receive calls, alerts from Facebook, track ALL your workouts, set your goals, (and it helps you HIT your goals), set weigh in days, (It will remind you to weigh in on certain days) Set up competitions against others, (or yourself) track your mileage (whether cycling, running, etc.) It tells you how fast you are going (or slow), your HEART RATE, If you are a biker, it tells you your cadence.
IT tells you the elevation you are at.
It goes by your songs that you have on it and it figures out what songs motivate you to do your best. It uses these songs to create your performance playlist.
It will also let you get weather notifications. (Great if you are on the trail, cycling, etc.)

Oh and what makes this even better, as if the things I just listed weren't good enough.....
You can TRACK your workouts ONLINE.... Yep, you read that right. Track everything online. Every time you complete a workout, it automatically sends it to your own portal online.

This is super neat! I cannot wait to use it on future runs... Why have I not already used it you want to know?

The Truth is I started out on my run this morning, SUPER EXCITED to try this little awesome thing out. But 1/2 mile into my run, the bottom dropped out of the SKY and I got soaked.

Now, this little thing is Water proof, sweat proof, but not submerged in water ...proof, so I had to hurry home to make sure it was okay!!It was! :-)
I'll keep reviewing this later when I hope to get in my 'rest" of my run!!Until then... HAPPYRUNNING!

Oh yea, I'm down at least ONE pants size. Possibly Two!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Amazing Run yesterday

Yesterday was an amazing day.
I woke up, got my oldest two kiddo's off to school and then sat down, check a few business emails and checked facebook, drank a Slam (ask me if you don't know what this incredible thing is) and took off on my c25k walk/run. Today was Week 3 day 2. It was AMAZING.  I wasn't sure how well or bad I would be, since even the 90 seconds runs at first were a little tiring, but I never gave, never quit.  When the app says, RUN, I ran..and I didnt stop till it says "Walk",
Yesterday I had the 3 minute run, and it was truly amazing. I guess it helps that I had Pandora radio playing in the background but the run just didnt seem like it was taking near as much out of me as it usually does. It was AWESOME!!!!!!Can I say that again..AWESOME!!!
I credit it to the Slam and the building up to longer running distances..Either way, I was so pumped up that I came home, scrubbed my kitchen floor and even had time to study an exam for one of my online classes, then do some more work on a dress that I'm working on, and at the end of the day, when the older two came home from school, my wonderful husband and I took the three kiddo's for a fun evening at Chuck E Cheese. I still had SO Much Energy, it was amazing!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

its been a few days..

I haven't written in a few days.I've been a little behind with some school work and also with getting orders shipped out to my brides, from my bridal line.
Im still running. I'm on week 3 now..I was suppose to start it yesterday but I ended up taking my middle child *daughter* for a mommy/daughter date, and we went to see the movie, The Lorax.  It was a good movie..Funny too.

Ive became chapter leader for Moms RUN this town-North Alabama. It's pretty neat. Im really enjoying it. The ladies on the leader/chapter board are awesome!They are in the middle of several give aways for runners inlcuding some awesome shoes, but my fave to date has been the very cute Sparkle Skirts.  You HAVE to check it out.
I've been doing good overall. Im still eating horrible but im not gaining weight and actually have lost a few pounds.  I'm doing a little bit of stuff differently, and I feel really good over all....
As the days get closer and closer I keep getting more and more excited for the 5K warrior Dash. Ive been able to talk with other moms and read their stories and experiences from the Warrior Dash, and I am so pumped!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Update 3...

Stephanie Nichols's Page

Click above to Donate to St.Judes hospital. I am participating in the Warrior Dash in September and I am trying to raise money for St. Judes!

I just finished day 3, week one in the C25K challenge. It felt really good. I havent run all week and was actually starting to miss it. The past few days have been very touch for me.
Actually, this entire week has been tough, but yesterday we had a swarm of storms hit our area again, and there were many homes lost in horrible Tornado's. It wasnt as bad as it was last year on April 27, but it was tough. I have several friends who lost their homes yesterday and its just heart breaking.

I did manage to run today and it felt SO good.. Again, I am NOT a least I don't think I am. I have never enjoyed it before in my life but now there is just something to it.
It could be the peace and quiet of just me running listening to good tunes..Or maybe the small talks I have with God on my runs. The time to think to myself.........I just am starting to really enjoy it!